Sunday, December 2, 2007

'Tis the Season for Cookies

In the same way that western style weddings have become popular here in Japan, Christmas is catching on. Apparently they've cleared it with Buddha and the Shinto gods. They're all cool with it. According to the Japanese people I’ve talked to, during the past couple of years Christmas has become a big deal. And while the actual day of Christmas isn’t celebrated as a typical western family Christmas would be, the holiday marketing, shopping and decorations have taken over the city. Because Thanksgiving doesn’t exist here, there was no reason to hold off. The Christmas mania has been going on since early November. So while we still have a good chunk of time between now and Christmas, I’m (embarrassed) already knee deep in Christmas cheer. Our upstairs lounge is a mess of a crafty Santa’s helper wonderland; and tired of holding off until our trip to The States (land of oven equipped homes), over the weekend I went ahead and baked a batch of these Christmas cookies in our toaster oven.


Driscoll said...

and they were really good.

erika jane said...

nice, you really are mastering baking with the toaster oven!

Ingrid said...

Mmmm... I could use a cookie right about now. I just got off the plane and I'm in Portland! When's your next Portland visit?

Robin said...

Don't let your lack of oven technology hold you back! :)

Thank you for the sweet gift! Wish we were going to see you this Christmas...